Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Black Dating, Black Love and the Cost of Going Out


by Dr. Boyce Watkins 

Sometimes, I wish I could be a fly on the wall when women are having their most interesting conversations about men.  Well, as a gesture of good faith, I can let women become the fly listening in on what men might discuss when they aren’t around.  I can’t tell all the secrets, but I’ll let you in on one that has to do with money and dating.

I’ve heard more than one guy state that part of the reason he may choose not to date is because of the intense financial pressure of dating.  In the worst case scenario, there’s the woman who expects the man to be the out of control baller, yanking out $200 or $300 dollars for a trip to dinner or the nightclub with $10 drinks.  In many cases, he can’t be plainly dressed, so there is also the pressure of having to keep an expensive wardrobe or a fancy car.  It’s hard to pretend to be economically invincible in a tough economy that has always been hard on black men.

Click to read.

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