Monday, October 3, 2011

Happy Anniversary to the Obamas: How Michelle Almost Turned Him Down


Today’s the 19th wedding anniversary for Michelle and Barack Obama.  The two celebrated Saturday night at the Restaurant Eve in Alexandria, VA.   The couple was married on October 3, 1992. 

When Michelle started her legal career, she said that she was going to focus on practicing law and not worry about dating.  She met Barack when both were among a small number of black associates at their law firm.  She was assigned to be his mentor within the firm.

Barack’s arrival to the firm was noticed because the firm didn’t normally hire first year law students as summer associates.  He was 27-years old and already full of potential, recognized for his hard work and intelligence.

"He sounded too good to be true," she told David Mendell, author of "Obama: From Promise to Power." "I had dated a lot of brothers who had this kind of reputation coming in, so I figured he was one of these smooth brothers who could talk straight and impress people. So we had lunch, and he had this bad sport jacket and a cigarette dangling from his mouth, and I thought: 'Oh, here you go. Here's this good-looking, smooth-talking guy. I've been down this road before.' "

Michelle says that she initially resisted Barack’s attempts to ask her out, stating that it would be “tacky” for them to date as the only two African Americans in the firm.  But she eventually gave in and the rest is history.

The two were later married just one month before Bill Clinton won the 1992 presidential election. 

Happy anniversary to this beautiful couple.


  1. Barack and Michelle love each other. You can easily tell how they look at each other. Each is proud to have the other as life partner. These are our angels. Let's keep them in the White House for another 4 years. Happy Anniversary lovely First Couple.

  2. Happy Anniversary to Our President and First Lady you two and your family are absolutely Awesome. Way to Lead and Set the Example Mr. President!

  3. Happy Anniversary President Obama and First Lady Michelle. You are a blessed role model married couple. God has smiled on your family. Thank you for answering the call of God and serving your country. We are proud of you, and we are sending you love. Keep the faith, God bless you, and stay strong!

  4. Happy Anniversary to Barack and Michelle Robinson Obama, one of the most beautiful couples in the world. The love you share is plain to see. You are truly partners in every aspect of your lives and the girls just complete the picture. May God Bless and protect you.

  5. Certainly congratulations are in order for this fantastic couple that has risen to the highest "Office" that the United States of America has. However, I have a greater concern for "our Black people" who apparently feel such 'commonality' that they don't OWE the PRESIDENT of USA the same honor that has been given EVERY OTHER PRESIDENT in the past, including 'Dubyaah' (W-Bush)!Please wake up Black people! Understood, yet inexcusable, White folk just ain't gonna do it because of ingrained hatred for people of color, especially African decent whether they acknowledged it or not. I applaud Roland Washington for stopping guest on his show and insisting that they address the "Commander and Chief of these United State", as “President Obama”, not Barack, or Obama! Heaven help us all to wise up and demand respect for the "Office" even though the 'man himself’ may not be one of your favorite people.

  6. Happy Anniversay Mr. President & First lady. You and your family are just awesome, the love you not only share, the example you set for the entire world is exemplary.
