Tuesday, December 15, 2009

WTF? Teacher Cuts off a Child’s Hair

Lamya Cammon, 7, was sitting quietly in her first grade class absentmindedly twirling her braids. The little girl's teacher, whose name is being withheld, grew tired of seeing the little girl play with her dozen or so braids, so she called Lamya up to the front of the classroom.

The first graders watched in disbelief as their teacher took out a large pair of scissors and cut off one of Lamya's braids. Amid the snickers of her students, the Milwaukee teacher threw the braid in the garbage, sent the crying youngster back to her seat, then said, "Now what you gonna go home and tell your momma?"

Lamya claims that she was not twirling her hair loudly nor was she being disruptive. When the child told her mother, Helen Cunningham, what had happened, she immediately went to the school to confront the teacher.

Click to read more.

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