Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The New Black Faces of Weight Loss

jennifer hudson

Your Black World Reports

The world watched for years as Oprah struggled to lose weight during her time on the air, but during that period, Oprah was just onefamous black face in a sea of white faces. Oprah wasn’t the norm or the rule.

But with Jennifer Hudson becoming the face of Weight Watchers, Mariah Carey signing on as spokeswoman for Jenny Craig, and Janet Jackson doing ads for Nutrisystem, black women are the new faces of weight loss in America.

The first black woman to debut as a voice for a weight loss product was Queen Latifah, who enjoyed the top spot as a spokeswoman for Jenny Craig a few years back. After her highly successful stint as spokeswomen, many other black women began following her model and cashing in on their desire to shed those extra pounds.

While some worry that the number of high profile African American women selling weight loss products will come at the expense of the self-esteem of young black women, others view the trend as marketing genius.

What do you think? Are these women being bad role models or just implementing a genius business plan?

1 comment:

  1. I have been down that road before..most of the time it is all about self esteem. I got down to 110 pounds and I looked like a skeleton. I was still trying to lose more weight. I was in a relationship with a man who was naturally thin and at that time, I weighed 120 lbs and he had me convinced that I was fat. I got out of that relationship quickly because I was afraid to eat anything..I was always taking diet pills, water pills, laxatives anything. I was a mess. My periods completely stopped and I did not have a period for years. Finally, I started eating again and my periods returned but I was never able to conceive. So, I think people need to find out what is behind the weight loss. If they want to do it for themselves or if someone s telling them they are fat. I wasn't fat but I was told I was because this man liked very thin women. I hope Jennifer Hudson will now stop losing weight and just maintain where she is now. She looks good. But I am almost certain that she is not satisfied with where she is now. She most likely wants to be thinner. Janet has always struggled with her weight. Because she is a very small framed women, and myself also we show our weight more..She is beautiful and I wish she would just not focus on weight so much. She is now in her 40's and so is Mariah and it is very hard to maintain a size 2 or 6 at that age. I wear a 12 now but I would like to get down to a 10 and I think I could maintain that and I want to do it my way. But, I will never wear a size 5 or 7 again and I really don't care. Right now, I know who I am and really that's what it is all about.
