Monday, December 19, 2011

Black and African Women Entirely Left Out of the Mix at the Mrs. World Pageant

Nomalanga Mhlauli-Moses is the reigning Mrs. Botswana.  After competing at the Mrs. World pageant, she found herself dismayed by the fact that black and African women were entirely excluded from the group of finalists at the Mrs. World Pageant. 

She addresses a pattern of historical exclusion of black and African women, leading us to wonder if black women are considered to be as beautiful and talented as women of other backgrounds.


  1. Why would Black or African women need caucasians to tell them they are beautiful or talented? Caucasians are the minority in the world.Black or African people are giving them more power then they actually have. Caucasians being the minority should be the ones seeking Black or African people approval of their beauty and not the other way around.

  2. If you have to wonder if black women are regarded as talented, beautiful and intelligent as women of other races by white people you must be btrand new to the planet...People of other races are trying to look like like balck women, tans, thicker butts, lips etc. and black women are trying to look like white women, lightening your skin, weaves from dead people in your hair, various plastic surgeries.....When you can look in the mirror and Love what you claim your God gave you, then this kind of nonsense won't even be an issue for you....Love yourself Black People!

  3. Why would Black or African women need caucasians to tell them they are beautiful or talented?

    Absolutely agree.

    I remember one Mr World pageant in which an extremely handsome black dude from Cameroon or somewhere, was eliminated in favour of some nondescript white dude from S.Africa, who did not even possess one eighth of this dude's looks.

    We need to do our own thing - us, our brothers & sisters in the diaspora and leave the rest of the world to their own devices.

    The only validation we need is our own.
