Sunday, November 20, 2011

Girl, 16, Throws Herself Into Traffic After Breakup with Her Boyfriend

Your Black World reports

Sometimes there is nothing more painful than the grip of love gone bad.  Shayna McEntire was the last child that anyone thought would commit suicide.  She had good grades, was a great athlete and on her way to college. 

But none of that mattered to Shayna after she broke up with her boyfriend.  The high school junior’s death was ruled a suicide after she walked into traffic and killed herself.

Shayna was pronounced dead shortly after the incident, when she was taken to Scottsdale Healthcare Osborn Medical Center in Arizona. 

“Subsequent investigation revealed she had jumped in front of a vehicle that was westbound on Elliot in an effort to end her life,” Gilbert Police spokesman Sgt. William Balafas said in a report.

Gilbert High Principal J. Charles Santa Cruz reached out to the students at Shayna’s school to discuss the tragic incident.

“We are all saddened by this loss,” he said.

The family is working to pay for the funeral and has set up the Shayna McEntire Memorial Account at Wells Fargo Bank.

“She was just upset,” Shannon McEntire, Shayna’s mother. “I don’t think she expected what happened.”


  1. wow! and for someone to say that she had mental issues...I didn't see this in the article. We as adults should teach our young teenage children more about dating/relationships along with sex and pregnancy. We teach them what to do with an unwanted pregnancy, but what about when he or she gets dumped?

  2. This is so sad. A good example why we as parents really need to have some long deep conversations with our kids about having sex. Some of these kids are just not ready to have to deal with the emotional attatchment that comes behind the physical consumation of the relationship.

  3. My prayers are with her family and friends....
