Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why are So Many Black Kids Being Arrested in School? Dr. Boyce Watkins and Dr. Christopher Emdin Discuss (Video)

Dr. Boyce:  Why are Schools Putting So Many Black Kids in Handcuffs?

Dr. Boyce Watkins and Professor Christopher Emdin respond to the report that one child per day is arrested in NYC public schools, with 93% of those kids being black or Latino.  The professors discuss the reasons behind the crisis and why kids are being criminalized in public schools all across America. 

click to read

1 comment:

  1. No one hears the children cries in Alabama. Some of the teachers are trained to kill the young black boys spirit. The leaders of some schools in different districts only want to collect the money from ALL the fun raisers, and lie they do not know about it, and I love the children. Alabama have a heavy problem with educating the black children. They have one foot on their necks and no interest in their well being.
