Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Was X-Factor Sensation Stacy Francis Just a Big Ol Fraud?


Your Black World reports

People are looking cross-eyed at X-Factor competitor Stacy Francis after the singer seemed to pull a fast one on the show’s viewers.  Francis wanted to pretend that she had a relatively innocent background with no previous singing success.  But it turns out that she has been a part of major groups, signed to record labels and performed with some of the leading singers in the music industry.

On the show, Stacy won the hearts of fans by crying about her financial struggles, being in an abusive relationship and not believing in herself.  But it turns out that Francis was once a part of a group called Ex-Girlfriend and was signed by Mariah Carey’s manager.  She has also performed with Whitney Houston, Madonna and Prince.  Oh yeah, she also starred in a Broadway play and performed for Tom Cruise at his birthday party in 2004.

You don’t get all that by being a nobody.

Some are also accusing the BET Show, “Sunday’s Best” of attracting all of the world’s wannabes who could care less about the glory of God.  One Sunday Best winner, Le’Andria Johnson, has admitted to clubbing and partying hard after winning.  But then again, how many people up in the church were partying the night before?  Maybe they are just a reflection of our society.


  1. why would she lie about singing before she enter on the x-factor, it seems like she have had some ruff times in her life, and now she wants to started all over, which nothing is wrong with that, we all make mistakes, But it would be good to tell the truth, if not you are only hurting yourself,and later on it will come back to bite you:( she has an awesome voice I wish her al the best.

  2. Thus, the phrase "6-day Sinner!"

  3. Oh, please! The employees and the powers that be on that show knew about her background. Don't they do background checks on all the adult participants? Obviously, she wasn't "that" successful and there are other people who had previous singing contracts. More drama for a "reality" show.
    Leave the woman alone. If she can make it there, good for her. She has a beautiful voice and the people on the show knew about her past.

  4. She portrays herself as a struggling single mother that only gets 2 sing n the bathroom when the kids r sleepn but has sang w/Prince, Madonna, & Chaka Khan. I absolutely believed that Ms. Francis was as the show had drilled into my head – a woman who had tragically believed the words of an abusive boyfriend who, in addition to “pushing [her] around sometimes,” had very sadly convinced her 12 years ago that she was 2 old 2 try 2 make a name for herself in the business, she had believed him, & let another 12 years pass w/o even giving it a try. When she auditioned, her sister crying said “i just didn’t know if they were going to see it” – as if no one had ever assessed her singing ability until that moment…after all, if she was not to make it here, on x factor, y, she was to “die with this music in [her]” – are you kidding me?..a professional who has made the rounds for years in NYC, on Broadway — and touring with Madonna, Prince. I’m disgusted in the show for this complete mischaracterization of a contestant’s story/history. I find it especially disgusting that she has cried her eyes out before and/or after every performance, stating how much she wants or needs this….as if it is her first and last opportunity to make music her profession!

  5. I don't have a problem with what she has done in the past. She never became famous or well-known from it, my disappointment in her is that she came on the show with a sad story that was a lie. If she had been honest and revealed her background people would not be so mad. Because she lied and tried to deceive the public it has hurt her credibility and may lead to her being one of the first ones to get voted off. That would be a shame because she does have a good voice, but as the saying goes, "if you lie down with get up with fleas."

  6. If she lied about her professional singing pass she probably lied about the abuse from her boyfriend as well. Unfortunately being the victim sells in the media. That's pretty despicable if she lied about being abused.

  7. This is all true. I've seen her perform before. But I'm not so sure that this makes her a fraud. It's not like she blew up professionally, so it's very possible that all of the things she said about her situation are true. I'm also sure that the X Factor producers knew all of this before they let her get this far, so I guess she has just as much of a right to be there as any.

  8. This is Crazy! Just because someone has sang for a famous person doesnt mean much of anything. Also, there are plenty of people that tour with with Madonna, Prince and the like. Yet it doesnt mean that they have a record deal or make any money. Besides we dont know at what capacity she traveled with them. What is she was the hairstylist or the makeup artist? Truth is that she is a single mom and it is hard for anyone to be a single parent. Lets stop trying to bring someone down all the time.

  9. Truth be told, Stacy Francis is a Liar. She does make up stories. She does use God's name to gain favor. She did try to pull the wool over America's eyes and take down her Ex Husband along the way. These are well known facts in the Industry. As you saw, she even stooped as low as to try to sully Whitney Houston's name after her death with a bogus story of jealousy and a bar fight. At the end of the day she knows that she was busted, has no integrity and that America sees her for who she really is. The real victims here are her children who now have to live with their desperate lying mother's legacy. Karma
