Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dr. Boyce Spotlight: Michelle Taylor Finds the Blessing in a Major Financial Setback

I met author Michelle Taylor during the Detroit leg of our “Less Talk, More Action Empowerment Tour.”   Taylor was candid about how she lost everything when the real estate market tanked, and she openly discussed the serious psychological challenges that come with pulling yourself out of devastating situations.

I was impressed with the way she was able to understand that sometimes, our greatest setbacks can be tremendous blessings, as she continues to find the lessons that came from her challenging and enlightening experience. 

Michelle’s book, “Taylor’s Word on Debt,” has resonated with those who are seeking hope in a world that is full of economic despair.  She reminds us that if your mind is right and you seek out your purpose, you can overcome anything that life throws at you.

Give a brief summary of your book.

Taylor’s Word on Debt is a cautionary tale that chronicles my experience with debt. It describes in detail the reasons behind my dilemma and the steps I took to get out of my situation. The book also covers basic financial topics such as annual percentage rate, debt statistics, what the Bible says about debt, effects of debt, how to maintain a debt free life, the Rule of 72, budgeting and a host of other subjects.

Describe your book's message, benefits, and unique qualities.

The book’s message is simply to share with the reader how a few poor decisions on my part and a naïve approach to a specific business proposition led to a ton of debt. I sought man’s help and guidance instead of God’s, and the book reminds readers that that approach is a surefire way of encountering difficulty. Readers benefit from Taylor’s Word on Debt by learning about my story and how I quickly and easily mounted debt totaling in the seven figures. My getting in that situation could happen to most anyone with a healthy dose of motivation to be successful, yet are devoid of the proper guidance like I was. The uniqueness of the story is that it is, indeed, a true account and not an arbitrary tale of woe about a hypothetical situation. The people are real, the situations are real and the $1 million-plus debt I incurred is real, too.

Describe why readers need your book and its message.

Readers need this book and the message it contains because it is a reminder that all help and guidance should come from God, not man. I had a burning desire to be successful and was eager to listen and follow the advice of several so-called business professionals. Things seemed too good to be true, so instead of taking a step back and seeking direction from God, I took the advice of man and it cost me on so many levels. So the book’s overall message and its importance is that we should ALWAYS seek guidance from God when in precarious situations.

Who did you write this book for? Who do you think your audience is?

I wrote this book for those individuals who go through life with no real true understanding of debt and money and how they really work. I found during my research that many people don’t have a rudimentary understanding of debt and its long-lasting effects, so I adjusted and focused my attention on targeting these individuals in an effort to equip them with the basic principles of finance. I targeted young adults with this book, believing that catching them soon enough would better prepare them for an existence that, as we all know, centers on money every day of our lives.

Give a brief author bio

Michelle Taylor is a Detroit-based entrepreneur and licensed Realtor. She began as an entrepreneur in 1999 when she partnered with a friend to form a real estate investment firm that specialized in buying Detroit-area homes and “flipping” them for profit. A credit repair expert, Michelle is inspired to share with others the necessary knowledge needed to navigate around the pitfalls of business she found herself in. She is a God-fearing Christian who uses the Bible as her guide to staying out of debt. Michelle believes that biblical principles can guide you in every aspect of your life, whether financial, spiritual, physical or otherwise. Michelle is a single mother of Matthew, and together they live in the Detroit area.

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