Thursday, November 3, 2011

Five Ways to Get a Man to Leave You


by The Life Advisor

This article assumes that you actually want to keep your man.  But if you suddenly decide you want to get rid of him, start doing the things in this list.

1) Stop having sex with him:  In case you never got the memo, men need sex.  They don’t just want it, their bodies crave it every day.  You don’t have to have sex with your man every day, but if you keep denying him sex, you do so to your own detriment.

2) Nag him to death: Men like a woman that makes them feel relaxed, not stressed out.  If you nag, complain and bother him about petty things all day long, he’s going to see you as a person who brings stress, which will make him seek out the woman who helps him to relieve it.

3) Ignore him:  You might be the super career woman who’s set to take over the world.  But if you ignore your man, your relationship will dry up and die.

4) Emasculate him:  Men like to feel like men.  If you treat him like a wimp or a little boy, he’s going to resent you for it.  Boost him up, don’t tear him down.

5) Stop worrying about your appearance:  Men are visual.  Looking good makes a difference.  That’s why men can fall in or out of love at first site.  If you stop thinking about your appearance, you’ll notice a massive change in how he treats you.  Reward a good man by looking good.


  1. No....that does NOT work.

  2. True, True, True, True, and True... I have left women for any and all of the above

  3. I'd like to add one more point: Praise. The way to a heart is not through his stomach but through his heart. Praise the man, even when it looks like he's not doing his best. If you don't learn to lift him up, you will tear him down, and he WILL leave sooner or later.

  4. Well at least I know why I clearly wasn't a keeper...

  5. You hit the nail on the head with all 5. I am married now and have experienced all 5 at some time or another with my wife. And the thought has crossed my mind to exit a time or two. I only wish she had access to this article w/o my having to show it to her.

  6. I have tried all of them. this is my 7th year without sex. Same man is here today.

  7. Now,not having sex with that man will not make him leave you especially when he is a nasty man, because most man want there cake and ice cream too.

  8. Miss P:

    I can emphathize with you however, if you haven't had sex w/this man in 7 years; (WHO HITTIN' DAT??). There's a difference between: **making love to your mate if you love eating with, sleeping with, smelling their breathe/farts; putting up with all their negativities & vice-versa** anyone can have sex and not have feelings or strings attached. Which one are you???
