Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Man Commits Suicide Hours After His Wedding


By: Jahbrielle Henning-Rayford, Your Black World

This past weekend, 28-year-old Fernando Brazier, from Bronx, New York, jumped to his death after marring his fiancé, Trudian Hay.

Brazier left a note for Hay, explaining that he couldn’t “take it anymore.” He couldn’t “take care of the kids.”

The groom took the ring off and left it with the note. Witnesses say that he left the Radisson Hotel in Harlem around 9 a.m. and headed toward the end of his life.

Sources from the police say that Brazier told his new bride that he could be found at the bottom of the water. Brazier’s body was found in the waters near Roberto Clemente State Park. He is believed to have jumped from a building into the river around 3 p.m.


  1. Why do we do what we do? Why marry her and then leave her like this? How many children were there? This is aweful!

  2. This was indeed very terrible to hear especially for the new bride and children..I hope they did not go into debt for this wedding because now you're paying on something that have a terrible ending and now you have to go prepare for a funeral for this young man...

  3. The bride must be devastated.

  4. Woman. We'd to find A MAN to have children with and not mentally immature children in adult bodies
    I feel he was a self hating $itch who cared about no one but his own desire to escape his responsibilities
    The children still have no one to provide for the. And. Sure his sorry self left them further in debt now that he has a funeral cost- id stack wood some where and TSS his sorry self On it and. Gas and match him and walk away and not look back

  5. Hope his life insurance was paid up, at least that may help with the kids...I'm just sayin.

  6. What in the name of God made that man commit suicide after marrying what appears to be a beautiful woman?! Was her beauty only skin deep and behind closed doors she was a witch?! And, what about the children? How many were there and were they his? If he married into a ready made family I can see the stress but suicide? Something is going on here!

  7. Reality set in a little to late for ole boy, didn't think that one out buddy! STBY!

  8. This is one of the shortest marriages I've heard of in recent years. What was going on with him. Maybe he didn't have a job and was to be the child care taker?
    Anyway, this is a terrible selfish act.Even if he had life insurance, this act of suicide put the pay out in jeopardy. What a shame. My heart goes out to this new bride/widower.

  9. This is one of the shortest marriages I've heard of in recent years. What was going on with him. Maybe he didn't have a job and was to be the child care taker?
    Anyway, this is a terrible selfish act.Even if he had life insurance, this act of suicide put the pay out in jeopardy. What a shame. My heart goes out to this new bride/widower.

  10. The saddest thing about this is that insurances don't pay out on suicides. The bright side(if there is one) is that he just took himself out the rather than his whole family.

  11. thats what happens when black women force a marriage on a man.....

  12. Blessings to the bride and may he rest in peace. Perhaps he is now in a better place because his mind was gone. Thank God he didnt harm or kill those chikdren. Recent news reports across.our nation have been showing so many poor kids being murdered by their parents, and missing, etc that even tbough this is a terrible tragedy...this did not happen. My question would be now to family, friends and the wife...who was that dayum busy or selfish that they missed suicide signals, talks, body languages? There are always signs people. Wake up and pay attention to your loved ones! M

  13. That is a tragic thing to happen.. I pray that she can handle this thing and that she will be strong for the children. He must have shown her signs prior to the marriage?? He must have had some form of sickness.. I can only pray for the best for all. What a way to leave this earth..
    Usually when someone commit suicide you can not collect, but she can get SSI from the state. Lord, help....

  14. AS awful this may sound; as just as terrible as this reality is I hope for her sake and their childr that there was some kind of insurance and that it was paid up as it looks like he just took the
    coward's way out...but why cause such devistation???
    What will be said to those children about this;
    what will they remember...how will this impact their lives???

  15. Very tragic for the family, but in the end its probably the best thing the selfish SOB couldve done for her! If he didn't want to get married he shouldve spoke up and said so! He's a grown man, No one can FORCE him to get married!

  16. Everyone is like "poor woman", the only quotes from this man is "I can't take this anymore" and "I can't take care of the kids" and the woman looks @ the note then sets the ring on the letter and peace's out?(that sounds like a sappy seen from a movie) did she cry? was she emotional. We don't even know if those were his kids! He could have been taking care of someone else's kids. My take on the story is his boys were like "dont do it!" groom- "well she be nag'n me and we've been threw a lot.. and she got some killer p****" fast forward to honeymoon night he hit it and quit it!

  17. Its sad this country teaches people exotic fantasies, like knight in shining armour, the day to look a beautiful doll, and other non sense, making peeps kill themselves because they have lived a fantasy (lies) to say I am not a man or wombman, just scared little boys and girls role playing what we have seen in story books (book of lies) and tel(lie)vision mind altering programs. What a pity, the wombman married, an obviously nutty buddy, just to say, I am married.
