Friday, October 7, 2011

Basketball Wives LA Mystery Solved: Kimsha Artest Throws The Show The Deuces



What the Ha-Yell Reports:

Fans of Basketball Wives LA have been posting the question all over the interwebs — where is Kimsha Artest?


Read more at What the

1 comment:

  1. I agree with this author. For too many years the black women has struggled intensely to restore our families by trying to stay in a loveless marriage. We have focused our whole lives on marrying only within our race. We have failed to be open minded in choosing men out of our race. Now we must start being able to look outside the black race for intimacy and love. Afterall most of the black men has deserted and left the black women alone and desolate and have chose to pick white, asian and other women for their mates Now we must as black women must no longer wait for a dream to come true within our own race of men and find our true romance in love outside our race now. For me love can come in many colors.
