Tuesday, September 6, 2011

“The Help” Stays #1, Sets Records in the Process

the help rises to #1 at the box office

Your Black World 

Perhaps black nanny movies are in-style.  "The Help" remained number one at the box office for a third straight week, setting records in the process.  The film hauled in an estimated $14.6 million over the Labor Day weekend.  The outcome was surprising, as the film started off at #2 behind "The Rise of the Planet of the Apes" last month.  But word of mouth is working to give the movie new life in theaters.

With its rise to #1, the film has brought in a total of $118.9 million against a $25 million dollar budget.  The last film to hold the #1 spot for three straight weeks was "Inception."

"The Help" has not been without controversy.  Some, including scholars Dr. Boyce Watkins and Duchess Harris, have said that they do not plan to see the film because of its stereotypical images.  Also, the film has been rejected by prominent black female historians, who say that the movie gives an inaccurate portrayal of life in the south during Jim Crow.   Finally, an African American maid  has sued the book's author, Kate Stockett, claiming that she stole the story from her life.

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