Friday, August 19, 2011

School Forces Little Girl to Apologize to the Boy Who Raped Her

take rape seriously

by Renee Greene, Your Black World 

A seventh-grade girl at Republic Middle School in Missouri was raped, then forced to write a note of apology to the boy that she accused. She was also expelled for telling a “lie,” because school authorities simply did not believe her. When she was readmitted to the school at the beginning of the next semester, the same boy repeated the same act in the back of the school’s library. The second time she reported it, her mother took her to a child advocacy center to verify it.

Turns out it was true. A physical examination proved that she was indeed sexually assaulted and the DNA evidence matched the boy she had long accused of attacking her. The boy confessed to the crime shortly afterward in juvenile court.

According to the lawsuit that was filed, “Her file included a psychological report which clearly indicated that the girl was conflict adverse, behaviorally passive, and ‘would forego her own needs and wishes to satisfy the requests of others around so she can be accepted.’ “

S. Renee Greene is a former news clerk/staff writer with the Columbus (GA) Ledger-Enquirer, a biographer and historian, and is currently owner ofGreeneInk Digital Media News Association, an SEO content and news aggregator company. GreeneInk also develops static websites for small businesses, and provides writing and ghostwriting services for individuals and companies.


  1. What a terrible experience for this young girl, and countless others to be subjected to. It would be better to thoroughly investigate these claims before dismissing them as untrue; especially considering the "sex-obsessed" violent society we live in and lack of respect for another person's well-being that our youth are exposed to by adults both in the home and community

  2. I will never understand the justice system. First of all my child would have not return to that school and somebody would have pay for.what happen to my daughter. My heart goes out to u n ur family. The child is the.victim not the administration. Justice do it really protect...

  3. This is beyond negligent! Why was she not examined the first time, so many people are at fault here!

  4. This is so such a sad story! I agree with Dasia and Tara. Why wasn't this child examined the first time? Why did she have to write a letter apologizing for telling truth? Lastly, why was she expelled from school? It just doesn't add up to me.The school and the boy should apologize amongst other things to this young girl. I cannot imagine what she is going through emotionally and physically. My prayer goes out to her.

  5. What a terrible ordeal for the young lady and her family. No matter what happens in the courts as a result of the filing, both families and the community will be emotionally scarred. My prayers are with each of them.


  7. Why didn't her parents look further into the matter the first time? What kind of non-sense is this? We must get out of an oppressed mentality! We must lead and protect our children! No one will do this for us. The school authorities don't care about your children like the parents will. They are not the authority on crime against your child. Wake up people!

  8. This just proves, if you are fromthe right family, you can get away with any thing. This should cost the system millions.

  9. I just have one fundamental comment... Where is her father?

  10. Only the caucasian male can be accused of rape by the victim then have the accusation totally dismissed. Anyone other than caucasian male would be thrown under the jail.

  11. That is some bullshyt... How the hell do U make this girl forgive that trick 4 what he did twice... I would sue the school, the board and that boy's family... That is so degrading.... I am mad at the parents 4 making her go thur that again... Only in America, boy I tell U the truth...

  12. Where is the rest of the community. If this young lady was attacked aren't are young girls at risk. No matter where her father was where are the real men in the community. Sleeping?

  13. Why in this 21st century is it still so unbelieveable that a female has been raped by some male individual? A physical exam in the first instance would have verified what the little girl had made accusation of. She was raped 3 times in that first instance, the boy, the school system, and then forced to apolgize to him for raping her. If people can't take the necessary steps to verify what has been alleged, then they need to remove themselves from any of these places where they are supposed to be looking out for the welfare of others, especially children. We males have a lesser chance of being molested than females. It is occurring more to males, but it is still done to females first and the most. We are supposed to be a like a referee and split up the situation and then find out what was done or not done. Don't just automatically blame a female for causing herself to be raped or think that she is lying.

  14. I haven't seen the race of the two parites mentioned anywhere in this article or in the comments. What was the race of the boy and girl? The act exceeds whatever the races are but I am curiousm on why the first complaint wasn't taken seriously.

  15. “Her file included a psychological report which clearly indicated that the girl was conflict adverse, behaviorally passive, and ‘would forego her own needs and wishes to satisfy the requests of others around so she can be accepted.’ “

    Sounds like a great many black women to me and would help to account for the 73% out of wedlock childbirth rate in our community. Such a sad state of affairs.

  16. We're all looking at the officials, while asking why they did what they did, but why didn't her parents take her in for a check-up when she told them, along with keeping her child as far away from this school as possible!!! Parents need to pay attention to their children & stop listening to these so-called people in charge...

  17. The irony of the school being called "Republic" is not lost on me... They just can't help themselves. Check out the way they handle these subjects in Florida and Texas:

  18. This really causes one to go APE
    Why have these so called school
    officals not been called on the carpet?

  19. These sexual predators start out young, don't they. The boy could sense that the girl had low self esteem issues and he preyed on that.

  20. Now, is the school apologizing to her for they did? This is an horrific ordeal that this child had to endure. I trully hate that she had to go thru something like this. My prayers go out to her and her family. Poor baby, may God bless her.

  21. I hope she sues the h*ll out of them. It won't get her daughter's innocence back, but maybe it will make them think twice before dismissing a rape allegation.


  23. Now! That should be enough blood in the water to cause the legal sharks to go into a frenzy. I smell potential major lawsuit on behalf of this girl if the negligence was as blatantly haphazard as it sounds here.

  24. This is almost beyond belief. I appreciate being informed, but it's so frustrating to see stories like this and not get the full story. So many questions are left to be answered. Is there more information pertaining to the case or is this all that could be gathered as of this point? I hope justice is served for the sake of the young girl. It's extremely troublesome that the boy may not learn nor understand what he has done, neither be held responsible for his actions. Unless he he is forced to write a letter himself and apologize to the girl AND her family as well as the school, he may never really consider the damage he has done to the girl, her family, his family and himself.

    'According to the lawsuit that was filed, “Her file included a psychological report which clearly indicated that the girl was conflict adverse, behaviorally passive, and ‘would forego her own needs and wishes to satisfy the requests of others around so she can be accepted.’ “ Maybe it's just me, but can some please explain what the heck that means?

  25. I think it is said that people immediately go to racism instead of putting whole story like that the girl was special needs. Read the original full article! It is a far sadder story than simple racism.

  26. This is why many people are taking the law into their own hands. We need to do something to protect our children from this wicked generation. We adults owe them that much. Whatever is happening, we have allowed it. This young man had a mother and father someplace, I hope. WAKE UP PARENTS!!!

  27. Whoever forced the young girl to write the apology, should be forced to write an apology to the young girl, then write his or her letter of resignation.

    This is beyond stupid. Where is the father? Where are the real men anymore?

  28. We are living in a land of idiots (or say world). I bet that the boy is going go get off, scott free, by a legal technicality and have his records erased, because he is a juvenile. He will become a serial rapist, until someone with some sense kills him and sends him to the world down below and the idiots, who let him get away with it will follow him. When I refer to idiots, I refer to the school and her parents for not taking her to the hospital the first time the incident occurred. They also should have had psychological evaluation done on her. She is a good child, because any other child would fight and become rebellious to avoid going back to that same disgusting school.

  29. To Midnight Star 2028. They are saying that she is submissive and promiscuous (putting others before herself in order to be accepted).

  30. My heart goes out to the young lady who endured this horrendous situation. And I do hope her parents sue the hell out of the school board for not taking this matter seriously in the first place. This story demonstrates how black woman are devalued as human beings in general

  31. In our world today, if a dog is killed we have a people that cry until things are changed. The person that did the wrong is held fully accountable. Yet when our children are murdered, rape & mistreated. We just cry & say how terrible. We need to turn this around and cry out for justice for our children, starting from our government, right down to our neighbors. We refuse to take this any more. Childrens are to be protected by us!

  32. Why do we allow this school to yet be a school? Obviously they are unfit. When I read the commment about where is the girl's father; this is completely irrelevant whether this child is from a single parent family or not. That is a prejudicial statemnent also! Her family is not on trial here, nor should she be!!

  33. I would like to think, when the question was asks where is the Father. The person meant, as protector of the family, the Father should have raised all kinds of hell with the school and the rest of the System! In my family I am the first line of defense ! Hurt one of my daughters, you will deal with me, oh yes I will be under control , but you won't like the control I pursue. How does your Daughter get raped once, let alone twice and you don't come up with a sound game plan. Of course I'm assuming that she is from a two parent home, just as some assume she is from a single parent home. My thoughts are that there should be a Man or Men somewhere in this picture !

  34. Of course no father is mentioned. Too many black men are absent from the black family! Many black men are too busy chasing ass and the almighty dollar (and not to pay child support) rather than protect their own daughters! The mother is left to fend for the family by herself. I am so sick of this! When was the last time you asked "your buddy/your son/your man/your colleague"- a man with a daughter, have you paid your child suppport this month, taken her out to lunch, bought her school supplies/clothes, called her to make sure she is okay, helped her with her homework, walked her home from school, read her a book, inquired who her friends were, or just gave a damn? We, in the community do not hold men accountable. Instead, we hold the school, the justice system, and the mother accountable. What about the fathers? Nothing. They are nowhere to be found. Let's plaster the father's name/picture on the web, where he works/goes to school, where he lives, and ask him why the f*** he was not there to protect her both times she was raped?

  35. I do believe the school was "totally" out of line. But some things just don't sit well with this story. How did he get her so alone the first time there was no witness or clearly visible evidence of physical restraint, etc? And how did she get to the back of the library with the same boy? Did she set him up? Is she cognitively challenged? Just an inquiring mind, who believes that both of this "kids" may be more to blame than this story is letting on.

  36. I have 4 daughters, 15,14,13 and 7 yrs old and I pay a unannounce visit to their school and sit in on classes the whole day at least once a year to prevent something like this from happening. And this Boy is still alive????

  37. OUTRAGEOUS!!!!! Prayfully this young lady will receive the proper counseling & support to overcome this despicable crime..Her parents/caretakers need to be investigated...What were they thinking?
