Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Pregnant Teen Begged for Her Life Before Being Murdered

charinez jefferson

Your Black World reports

Just before being shot down in cold blood on Chicago’s Southwest Side, a pregnant 17-year-old Charinez Jefferson pleaded with her gunman to spare her life because she was pregnant, this according to prosecutors today.  In spite of her plea Timothy Jones, 18 and a known stick up man to area police, shot Jefferson in the head, yelling an expletive at her as he did so.  As Jefferson lay wounded on the ground, Jones fired several more shots into her back and chest.

Ms. Jefferson was later pronounced dead at the hospital where doctors were able to successfully deliver her child, a baby boy, who remains in critical condition, said Assistant State’s Attorney, John Dillon.

In describing how the crime occurred, Dillon said: Jones spotted Jefferson walking with a rival gang member in the 3000 block of West 64th Street and drove up to them in his car.  Jones then exited his vehicle and fired one shot at the rival who was able to escape, leaving Jefferson alone.  After she begged for mercy, he shot her at “point-blank range.”

Jones was arrested at his home Saturday at the 6300 block of South Rockwell Street, after several witnesses identified him as the killer, according to court documents.

Outside of court, Jones’ family denied that he belonged to a gang and said he could not have murdered Jefferson, citing his difficulties walking since sustaining a gunshot wound to the leg two weeks earlier.

Meanwhile, Courtroom personnel and deputies in charge of Jones in the lockup noticed no limp and received no requests from Jones for walking assistance in the form of a wheelchair or crutches.

Jones was charged with first-degree murder for the Aug. 16 slaying and has been denied bond.


  1. To Charinez Jefferson's family, may God rest her soul. I somewhat feel your pain as my brother was gunned down by fiends wielding an AK-47, while he held a Bible or Koran. I have participated in more than 100 prayer vigils and attended more than 100 funerals for mostly victims of fratricide. As a community, we have to do a little more than pray and wait on God to "fix it." Trying to make a difference in the lives of our at-risk youth, I became a mentor and advocate for change. Having said that, I want to really show how I feel about this innocent young mother being senselessly murdered. Great to see that not everyone is scared to point out, shall we say an "alleged" killer since this person has not yet been convicted. I'm sure we can agree the killer is a self-hating ignorant fratricidal fake gangsta wannabe consciousless bitch-ass fool. I have just one question for all those so-called playas who get their courage from the bottle, drugs, the gun and listening to gangsta rap; and have not yet crossed the line-of-no-return. Tell me why this sorry BAMF gangsta did not bang-big with the Po Po when they came for him. Kill a broman or little sista in a minute but got no balls or stomache to challenge authorities. No their punk asses go straight to the cages where many wont ever see the light of day. Willie Lynch says F-All you brainwased self-hating wannabe gangstas with yo hand on yo brain which is in yo pants. Wake the hell up before it's too late! It's the media fool which tells ya that black is inferior and to hate yo self. For those of you that can read then get busy with Tom Burrell's Brainwashed: Challenging The Myth of Black Inferiority. Know Thyself! Man -up! Stand-up! We all need to get busy if the next generation is to have any chance besides mass incarceration or early graves. Shanti!

  2. Wow, this is unfortunate! I didn't hear it on the news, but I suppose that's a good thing. It's embarrassing how violent and cold hearted some of us are. I don't know if we'll ever rid our race of this riff raff. Honestly, he deserves to die in the worst kind of way. My condolences to that girl's family and friends.


  4. I agree with that DEATH PENALTY!
    He got whats coming to him auh auh

  5. black on black senseless killing once again here on earth get the hearse its getting worse in our city streets its sad but true we the people are living in the last days and times wake up america guns and knifes dont kill people kill we need the death penalty today for these coward killers who must be held accountable for their actions here on earth satan rules the wicked who shall be punish by god on judgement day

  6. even with a black president in the white house we as black people are stll the only race of people that are lost in the darkness of satan all these senseless killings here on earth there are no valves or princeables no more its really sad but true we the people are living in the last days and times here on earth god please hurry up and destroy the wicked and bless the true believers in jesus chirst in jesus name i pray for the familys

  7. even with a black president in the white house we as black people are stll the only race of people that are lost in the darkness of satan all these senseless killings here on earth there are no valves or princeables no more its really sad but true we the people are living in the last days and times here on earth god please hurry up and destroy the wicked and bless the true believers in jesus chirst in jesus name i pray for the familys

  8. theres more good in the world then bad cause god is good all the time you tell your friends and ill tell mine to stop the madness and the sadness in our city streets yall dont hear me ladieds and gents lets love instead of hate cause god is love and love covers a muiltude of sins here on earth we the people need prayer its real simple we the people make it harder then it has to be in reality we only get one life to live in reality to a ripe old aged

  9. theres more good in the world then bad cause god is good all the time you tell your friends and ill tell mine to stop the madness and the sadness in our city streets yall dont hear me ladieds and gents lets love instead of hate cause god is love and love covers a muiltude of sins here on earth we the people need prayer its real simple we the people make it harder then it has to be in reality we only get one life to live in reality to a ripe old aged

  10. theres more good in the world then bad cause god is good all the time you tell your friends and ill tell mine to stop the madness and the sadness in our city streets yall dont hear me ladieds and gents lets love instead of hate cause god is love and love covers a muiltude of sins here on earth we the people need prayer its real simple we the people make it harder then it has to be in reality we only get one life to live in reality to a ripe old aged

  11. theres more good in the world then bad cause god is good all the time you tell your friends and ill tell mine to stop the madness and the sadness in our city streets yall dont hear me ladieds and gents lets love instead of hate cause god is love and love covers a muiltude of sins here on earth we the people need prayer its real simple we the people make it harder then it has to be in reality we only get one life to live in reality to a ripe old aged

  12. i feel that is so senseless like she didnt deserve to die for christ sake she had a baby may god be with her family because i knew if something like that happend to someone in my family i would want someone to tell me the same thing so rest in peace to Charinez Jefferson....
