Monday, August 29, 2011

Beyonce Sets a New Record on Twitter with her Baby Announcement

beyonce baby, twitter record

Your Black World Reports

With the announcement of the “little surprise” in her belly, Beyonce Knowles set a new record on Twitter.  The action with husband Jay-Z that generated her bundle of joy was nothing compared to the action they generated on Twitter, which hit the astonishing total of 8,868 tweets per second.

This feat conquers the previous record of 7,196 tweets per second last July during the Women’s World Cup Final, when Japan defeated the United States.   Third was another soccer match between Brazil and Paraguay, in Copa America.

MTV was the first to report the news by tweeting:

"OMG Beyonce just made a huge announcement on the #vma carpet! #baby!!!!!"

1 comment:

  1. R u serious about the. This is nonsense. Come on America let's deal with more important issues!!! This celebrity crap is really getting out of hand let's stay focused
