Thursday, February 7, 2008

Kimora Lee Simmons Endorsed Hillary

As of now, it is definitely no secret that we know who Kimora Lee Simmons voted for in the 2008 Democratic Primary Election. Kimora endorsed Hillary Clinton because she believes that she will guarantee great changes. However, many African Americans voters are upset in Kimora’s decision. Also, many are surprised to know that the diva is actually political and seems to be more of a feminist.

According to Hillary Clinton’s campaign press release, Kimora stated, “I have known Hillary for many years and have seen her work passionately on many issues, including poverty, education, and prison reform. I'm proud to support Hillary because she has the experience necessary to deliver real solutions and turn our country around. In addition, seeing Hillary as president would be an inspiration to my daughters, knowing that they too can be anything they want if they have the determination to make it happen. As a mother, I have learned that you must lead with your head, not just your heart, and I'm confident that Hillary will be the president to bring our country together and deliver a brighter future for all Americans.”

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