Friday, January 4, 2008

Woman Goes to Africa and Leaves Her Eight Kids Alone

A Houston woman allegedly left her 8 children at home as she flew to Nigeria to marry a man she'd just met on the Internet, according to the Houston Chronicle.

The children were left in the care of the oldest child, who is 15-years old. The girl was nowhere in sight when police showed up at the home.

"What he found inside the house was just deplorable conditions. There was trash everywhere, roaches everywhere," Lt. John Martin said. "He said every item of clothing in the house was dirty and there was very little food."

One of the woman's neighbors said that she drove the woman to the airport on Monday. She was planning to return with her new husband in 1 - 2 months. The family had been evacuated from New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

Child Protective services told the Associated Press that two of the children they found in the house actually lived next door. Three of the kids who lived in the home were not there, including the 14-year old who is serving time for robbery and an 18-year old in prison for aggravated assault.

"There was no food in the home and mom didn't leave them any money," Olguin says. "The 15-year-old said she had to steal food and diapers."

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