My mother was a prayer warrior who went to be with the Lord when I was twenty-eight years old. Before she passed I telephoned her often requesting that she pray for me. One day she said, “Vera, I am going to pray for you but one day you are going to have to learn to pray for your self.” Holy Spirit thank you for the revelation that God placed me in my church for this very moment in time.
One of the many things that I love about my church family is the fact that we are a body of believers that actively and openly pray. For the last month ours sermons have been on pray, prayer, and praying. Stated on church's website is the following: “We expect God to answer our prayers because we are committed to praying God’ Word and believing that He must answer his Word. We expect God to demonstrate His power through the Prayer Center, and we expect to see physical manifestations of His power. We have no doubt that God will answer our prayers and fulfill our expectations. We, therefore, are determined to take the world by prayer!”
The church prints thousands of Kingdom Builder’s Power Guides. The monthly guides includes a Prayer Petition Calendar and eighteen prayer petitions. The prayer petitions varies monthly. The petitions for the month of January 2008 includes praying for the Economy of the United States of America and Prayer for the Nations of the World.
As I completed my assignment from God (writing my book) He placed 2 Chronicles 7:14 in my heart: I am to tell the world:
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (KJV)
It is with an open mind and an obedient and loving heart that I make the above-mentioned declaration to the world and write and post my very own personal prayer. Yes, momma I learned how to pray for myself.
Jesus you are so Awesome. You are all powerful God. Lord you are the ruler of the universe. You alone are God. You alone rule this world and You God controls our very lives.
Father as a people that loves and adore you we come before this day to say thank you. LORD, I want to thank you for a praying mother God. Lord I want to thank you for this great opportunity that you have present to us. Lord we thank you for Dr. Boyce Watkins and for giving him the vision for this website.
God thank you for keeping us strong during the difficult times of slavery, segregation, and racial discrimination. Thanks to you Father we survived those unthinkable horrors of our past.
Lord we come before you this day seeking your face Lord, seeking your protection God as we venture into our new political reality. We believe that we about to embark upon promises that you made to Dr. Martin Luther King and our forefathers God. Thank you Lord for the fact that we are living during this time.
Lord God please protect Senator Barack Obama as he matches towards his divine destiny. Lord Father God we praise your Holy Name Jesus. God we know that the enemy comes to seek, to devour, and to destroy.
Father God please protect Obama from the people of this world who do the enemy’s works on the earth.
Lord we have seen what the enemy has done in Pakistan and Kenya. Please Lord protect this country from the same type of election turmoil, confusion, and strife that is the current reality of those two countries and in other nations on the earth.
God as you know this country professes to be a God loving and God fearing nation. Father please let those that are called my your name live up to words that they so freely utter daily Lord. Please Father God please spare us from the fate of the 2000 presidential election.
Please God place it in the heart and minds of this nation and its people the wisdom to demand and respect an orderly, fair, and impartial political process during this historic election year. Lord we pray that America will once again be a true example of a democracy, love, and peace to the rest of the world.
Lord please forgive us for our sins and our past mistakes. Lord. Forgive us for greed Lord. Please give us the spirit of forgiveness Lord. Let us forgive those who have hurt, harmed, or wounded us Lord.
Please God heal this nation from the hurts and division of the last two presidential elections. Please God let Americans behave as one nation united under God. Father, help us to turn from our wicked ways God. Help us Lord to daily seek your face God.
Jesus we praise you and we glorify your Holy name. You are so Holy Lord. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the Glory. Forever Amen.
Vera Richardson is the author of "A Case of Racial Discrimination and Retaliation Real or Imagined."

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