Excerpts from my book “A Case of Racial Discrimination and Retaliation Real or Imagined.”
ROMANS 8:28-30
And we know that all things, work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.
ROMANS 8:28-30
And we know that all things, work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.
For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
Moreover who he did predestinate, them he also called: and who he called, them he also justified: and who he justified them he also glorified.
September 29, 2007
Three days ago I was sitting at my desktop computer working feverishly to complete this book when the telephone rung at 5:34 pm. The caller identification listed the call as private. I answered the phone and was not alarmed that it was the ear, nose, and throat specialist calling with the results of my recent MRI.
After the usual greetings the doctor told me the dreadful news that the MRI has revealed a small tumor in my brain near my pituitary gland. He also told me that I needed to schedule an appointment with a neurologist for further evaluation and/or treatment. After asking him to recommend a neurologist and how to spell pituitary I thanked him and hung up the phone.
All my life I have been afraid of sickness and have constantly exhibited a spirit of fear when hearing health related bad news. This time my reaction was different instead of being afraid I remained calm. I was grateful that he ordered the test based on my symptoms and the results of his examination of me.
I googled the word pituitary and researched brain tumors on the Internet. As I processed the information found on the Internet I remembered Star Jones-Reynolds’ last day on the View. During Star’s explanation of her pending departure from the show she said, “I don’t know what the future holds for me but I do know who holds the future.”
I remembered how I rejoiced and agreed with her the day that she made her declaration of faith. I believe that moment was a divine moment in my life. Star’s statement resonated in my spirit and my heart as I accepted my test results. I know that God is able to heal me be it with modern medicine or by a miracle. Furthermore, I accept the fact that even if God doesn't heal me, He is still able.
I have never been this close in my relationship with God. My faith and personal relationship with God has grown leaps and bounds since I moved to Houston, TX a year ago. I believe that God drew me closer to Him because He knew that my faith would truly be tested this year. Less than two hours before my bad news call, I booked a flight to Tampa, Florida to attend the funeral of my fifty-year old brother Glenn.
I have truly enjoyed attending the Wednesday night and Sunday services at Windsor Village United Methodist Church. It is my heartfelt belief that the sermon preached by Associate Pastor Velosia Kibe on Sunday August 26, 2007, helped prepared me for this time in my life. Pastor Kibe sermon at the 12:15 service was titled “When Bad Things Happen.”
During the sermon she gave examples of bad news and the fact that we are conquerors in Christ Jesus over any bad news.
Five days before I received my “bad news” I participated in an all night prayer and worship service at church. The all night service was held on a Friday night. After I received my latest bad news I knew that I needed to turn my entire focus on God. I turned my television to the gospel music channel 714 and started singing and praising God with a loud voice.
My church had a special Wednesday night program scheduled on the day that I received my bad news. I planned on attending the service and my bad news didn’t change my intentions. I ran my bath water and continued to praise God. As I drove to church I played a melody of praise gospel music. I sang out loud over the choir, as “Our God is an Awesome God” filled by car with comfort and love.
I entered the church and as only God could plan it one of the songs performed by our amazing choir included “Our God is an Awesome God”. Additionally, I got the opportunity to tell five people in my small group about my bad news and my determination to praise and thank God in spite of the news. Plus I spoke healing and God’s continued favor over my health. I cried, prayed, and had a glorious time as I worshiped the true and living God.
Christians know that as we embrace our purpose and surrender to God’s perfect will for our life we will sometimes face spiritual warfare. I am in a war now but I know that I will not die until God’s divine purpose for my life is achieved.
October 26, 2007
I had my second appointment with the neurologist today. I am happy to declare that I got good news. After ordering several tests including another MRI the neurologist informed me that I have a cyst and not a tumor on my pituitary gland. The cyst does not require any medical treatment at this time. I thanked Jesus for the great report.
I am thankful that I surrendered and obeyed God’s instructions. Writing this book is the first step in fulfilling God’s divine purpose for my life. It is my hope, prayer, and sincere desire that Congress will address and correct this issue. One judge should not have the absolute power to grant summary judgment motions that dismiss Title VII (discrimination) cases. http://www.lulu.com/content/1362173
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